One of the things that we bought was organic blueberry granola. I don't really eat granola but my husband loves it, however, the sugar content was extremely high. So, I was thinking about how easy would it be just to make my may not be the MOST cost effective idea, however, the health benefits of knowing exactly what I put in it outweighed the cost.
So, I researched the love of my life for some ideas and came across this recipe. It was perfect because this website is one of these to me. So, I went to work, omitted some items {to reduce the sugar content} and completely and utterly BURNED the first batch. I mean this stuff was SMOKING and not in the good way. I should have taken a picture for you
The second batch came out okay but still had that semi-burnt look {and smell} to it. After taste testing it, decided that it was cooked still too long and I think I will also omit the sesame seeds, as well. But all in all not bad for my first time making granola and it will definitely be a staple in this house.
Now, it's your turn, tell me have you made your own granola? Do you have a favorite recipe?
Have a foodilicous day!!
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