Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Let's get aHEAD of the game...

I know a couple of weeks ago, I talked about taking the ordinary dish and making it to out of something non-traditional. You can read all about that post here.  At any rate, today I am bringing you another idea, however, this one I actually tried out.

I took this guy:

And made into this guy:

Adapted by FBE Nutrition (Click on image for recipe)

So, my findings were that it was DEFINITELY not the same consistency as mashed potatoes, which was sad. The taste was grainy, I guess that's because it was cauliflower but still, there needs to be a way to make them smooth.  I was hoping to make them look as creamy as the recipe showed. So, this was a semi-food fail. I will attempt again and figure out what is missing.

Have you made mashed potatoes out of cauliflower? What was your success? 

Have a foodilicous day!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Are you ready for some football??

Today is another dose of Inspiration Monday.  I know that the Superbowl is right around the corner and of course that means, party!!  So, why not take your traditional appetizers and healthify them? (Yes, a made up word but it works) So, today is a themed Inspiration Monday...Are you ready for some football??