Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Favorite 5 (Gym edition)

We all know that part of living a healthy lifestyle is making sure that you are working out regularly. Since I love the gym and are an avid gymster, I thought it would be fun to repeat yesterday's post but revolving around the gym.

Here are my top favorite things I must have while at the gym

1) Body Spray. I make sure I have a small body spray in my little zipper pouch so that when I am done with my workout I walk out smelling like roses. Currently, I am loving this guy. 

2)Lip balm. No one likes chapped lips. Enough said.

3) Blackberry/Mp3. I don't know about y'all but I am not one of those let me workout while watching TV or I love to hear myself grunt kind of girl. I need my music. It energizes me, it makes me feel alive so if I have a dead Mp3 player or a low battery blackberry I am NOT a happy camper. I have been known to leave if I don't have my music.
4) Change purse. Just for the last minute water or energy drink runs.

5) Workout log. I like to write down my weights & progress if I am doing a new workout plan. It helps me keep on track. I don't have this one in particular, I get free notebooks through work so that's what I use.

 Product Details

So, tell me do you have a 5 gym favorites? Do share!!

Have a foodilicous day!!

1 comment:

  1. Water bottle! Have to stay hydrated. Gloves! I don't like scraggly hands. Music/iPhone! Same as you, I need that sound.(but I do grunt) Money! For protein drinks or bars if needed. Motivation! Why work out if you aren't pushing yourself?
